
The Atascadero Greyhound Foundation

The Atascadero Greyhound Foundation founded the LIGHTHOUSE Atascadero program in 2012 when our community was hit hard by the opioid epidemic.  LIGHTHOUSE is about disaster and rescue, chaos and peace.  Its purpose is to provide safety, protection, and recovery through support and services.  The mission of the LIGHTHOUSE program is to provide awareness, prevention, intervention, and education in the areas of drug and alcohol abuse.  We do this through partnerships with the Atascadero Unified School District (AUSD), City of Atascadero, local businesses, service organizations, individual community members, grants and endowments.


Core Values


We believe in the value of working with other in order to increase our contribution and remain sustainable.


We embrace and support diversity, inclusion, and equity.


We build trust through responsible actions, honest relationships, and being transparent in our work.


We care about our community, so we serve. We have courage to address the issues in our mission, because it takes courage for the members of our community to confront them.



We are passionately committed to making a difference every day for the youth in our community


Board of Directors


Weapon of Rescue

LIGHTHOUSE: Weapon of Rescue is a brilliant story told by Carol Freed Gobler, an Atascadero community member, who reveals the awakening of this town’s unwelcome shadow – the monster of drug abuse. She walks us first through the darkness, then through the light as the community finally wakes up to the danger.

A must read for community residents, teachers, and families, the light from LIGHTHOUSE must stay on so as to continue protecting our children.

Carol’s writing style moves the reader into feeling the pain and the fear – much
like walking in another person’s shoes. With great empathy, she takes you on
each family’s journey over the stormy seas and then into these newly chartered
waters of hope that LIGHTHOUSE has created.

Joanne Peters, Hope Writer, Central Coast Senior.com; Retired Member, Lighthouse Board.

Partners and Supporters

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

PO Box 3120, Atascadero, CA 93423

Call Us: (805) 703-1344

LIGHTHOUSE Atascadero and the youth it supports appreciates your consideration in making a donation.
LIGHTHOUSE is a program of the Atascadero Greyhound Foundation 501(c)3 – Tax I.D. #77-0390865